Sunday, November 1, 2009

H/w to Basic Max - Lesson 2

h/w build a scene using the array function.
This will be a simple scene, we will build a building with windows along a road with driving markers.

First the building:
Create a box with parameters (L/W/H) - (20/40/50), (X/Y/Z) - (0,0,0)
Next we will create windows. By selecting autogrid, draw a box on the side of the building.
The parameters should be (L/W/H) - (5/5/0.5), (X/Y/Z) - (-15,10,45)

Next, select the object and go to Tools and Array.
In the following window setup the array matrix as shown.
The first 1D - matrix specifies the number of clones in one dimension in this case the x-axis (windows in the row)
The 2D - matrix specifies cloning in the 2nd dimension, in this case the z-axis (windows up and down)
The 3D - matrix specifies cloning of the windows on the other side of the building, in this case the y axis.

Next, optional, we can create two more boxes on top of the building for elevator shafts.

Build a road:
create a box, with parameters (L/W/H) - (20/140/0.5), (X/Y/Z) - (0,20,0)
Next, with AutoGrid checked on, draw another box on top of the first one for the marker,
with parameters (L/W/H) - (1,5/8/0.1), (X/Y/Z) - (66,20,0.5). Now either array or clone the marker object along the x-axis with a distance of 11 and 13 objects.
The homework is done and this is what it looks like:

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