Saturday, November 7, 2009

Basic Max - Lesson 3

To use a modificator, create a simple object, a cylinder, make sure you have enough Height Segments for the modifiers to work properly.

Bend - select object and click on the modify tab and then on the drop down of "Modifier List".
The options are to bend an object at a certain angle, in this case, 180 degrees and then choose the direction, in this case -30 degrees around z-axis. It also lets you change the axis along which to bend.

Also, you can use a number of modifier on one object, by again selecting it and selecting a new modifier to apply to it.

Taper - this allows the object to increase on one side and decrease on the other, hence deforming it. The same principle is used to apply taper to an object, via modify list.
Amount lets you modify the intensity of the object increase/decrease.
The curve allows the object to curve in the Effect axis, which in this case is X. The Primary axis serves the direction in which to apply the taper effect.

Twist - as the name applies, this twists the object (good for creating chandeliers, candle stands, twisted legs for a table or chair). Not a lot of tinkering around this modifier. The angle gives the angle of twist and Bias, gives the intensity of the twist. And also you have the axis around which to twist about.

Stretch - as the name implies, it stretches an object. Good in creating fat/round vases or legs for various furniture. Also, not a lot of tinkering, stretch gives the magnitude of stretching along (in this case) the z-axis. Amplify changes the middle portion of the object, either squeezing it or expanding it.When the amplification is negative, a similar effect can be achieved by the modifier Spherify.

Melt - this is a cool feature, but I find it completely useless. Perhaps its good in animations, but as far as modelling, I don't really see the use for it, other than maybe for a candle. As the name implies it make the object melt. The amount changes the intensity of melting, % of Melt changes the amount of the object melted and then there are options for various materials, i.e. Glass and ice will melt starting from the sides, while Jelly and Plastic will melt inside and outside, while keeping a partial carcass of the object.

Squeeze - finally, this modifier has a slighly more complex modification arrangement. Basically, it changes the object by squeezing one side of the object and make the volume that is being squeezed redistribute in the second part of the object. The tinkering for this is as follow: The amount changes the object to adjust either up or down. The curve changes the curveture at the top. In the radial sqeeze, the parameters change along the z-axis, i.e. make the object fatter or thinner and the curve varies the curveture along z-axis.

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